Hi! I'm Lionir but you can just call me Lio.
More info below!
I live in Tiohtià:ke (though most people know it as Montréal). I use he/him pronouns and I consider myself to be a man. I'm 23 years old and currently still in school.
I'd say I tend to be quite pragmatic in how I write even though I think I'm generally rather emotionally aware and a good listener. I don't think that this means that my rationality is more important to me than my emotional sensibility but rather that I'm not really sure how to be useful outside of a pragmatic approach.
I have a wide range of interests. I advocate for privacy, freedom, better working conditions and more generally human rights. I think often about how power structures (for example, capitalism) affect people. I like to talk about what I think is good design. I also quite enjoy anime though I've grown very critical of the medium. I'm always looking to learn new things!
Here are my 'socials'
Chat platforms
Please email me telling me who you are before sending a request.
Discord (lionir.ca)
Matrix (@lionir.ca:matrix.org)
FreeDesktop GitLab
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